WINNING WITH LEASING! has been written in the same informal style that I chose to adopt in teaching this seminar over the past 28 years. I felt that a Q & A approach would be simple, clear and hopefully
In choosing its content, I had many objectives in mind:
• to help acquaint the novice
• to fine-tune the experienced
• to assist the service provider
• to guide the customer
but, the single most important objective is to provide simple yet power-ful tools to lessors to increase their sales and/or profits. In this context, the publication is replete with ideas that can be instantly implemented to win additional deals.
The publication is intended for lessors, lessees, service providers and the professionals who serve the leasing industry. It has been written in a manner that its style and jargon as well as its illustrations are conducive to international readership. Yet, given the significance of the U.S. leas-ing industry, adequate effort has been taken to specifically incorporate U.S. tax and accounting nuances.
The illustrations use $ signs for no particular reason. The HP12C and the HP17BII+ were chosen as the calculators for the quantitative parts as these calculators are universally used. While no effort has been made to instruct the reader in using the calculators, the keystrokes in the Lease Finance Section include all set-up keystrokes as well as detailed explanations.
If the reader wishes to receive material for either of the two calcula-tors, an e-mail should be sent to 8 Winning With Leasing!
The material can only be sent for either of the two specified calculators and it can only be sent via e-mail. Readers wishing to receiving periodic electronic newsletters from Amembal & Associates should also write to the same e-mail address. The newsletters will provide the reader with major technical developments as well as our training schedule.
Each section contains a summary and a glossary. Also, homework has been provided at the end of each section with homework answers following.
Thank you for having purchased the publication. I hope you enjoy read-ing it as much as I enjoyed writing it!