The State of Food and Agriculture 2002 is FAO's annual report on current developments and issues in world agriculture. It monitors the global agricultural situation as well as the overall economic environment surrounding world agriculture, and this year includes an overview of the status of negotiations on agricultural trade following the launch of a new round of multilateral trade negotiations by the World Trade Organization. An overview of the current agricultural situation by main regions in the world, both developing and developed, is presented, with discussion of current issues of importance for agriculture in the various regions.
Agriculture, fisheries and forestry, if properly managed, can provide a series of benefits to large sections of people - benefits such as landscape conservation, watershed protection, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem stability. Some of these so-called public goods are global in nature; they benefit all or large sections of humanity. This year's report discusses some of these global public goods and calls for increased international financial flows towards agriculture and rural areas in order to promote their provision. It also examines one of the possible new mechanisms for this financing: the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) deriving from the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Particular attention is paid to the potential use of the CDM as an instrument for both enhancing carbon sequestration through land-use changes and for reducing rural poverty.