Do you often ask yourself, “Who am I?”, “Where did I come from?”, and “Where am I going?” Do you feel stressed and depleted of energy? Do you wish you had a genie who would fulfill all your wishes and make all your dreams come true? If yes, it is time to make a fresh start and dare to dream. The Soul Charger is your healing potion.It is a powerhouse of universal energy, divinity, and positive virtues. It will help you learn the art of living in abundance; learn how to let go and accept life, and its offering by adopting small but significant changes in your lifestyle, habits, and thoughts. This book will help you identify your true purpose in life, by understanding the journey of the soul. You will learn how to establish a connection with the Divine and energize your being by learning the art of soul consciousness and meditation. It will enable you to take charge of your thoughts, command the universe to fulfill your dreams, and seal the emotional drains with the spirit of love, peace, prayers, and an attitude of gratitude.