The Dusk is the fifth and last book in the five-book series called Marathon Race to Acche Din. The series centres on Narendra Das Modi as the Prime Minister of India and his party, the BJP, which came to power through a majority mandate in 2014. After the BJP formed the NDA government, the country has seen the resurgence of Hindutva nationalism fanned by the Sangh Parivar, particularly by the RSS—the fountainhead of the BJP. The impact of Hindutva nationalism on the socio-economic and socio-political landscape of the country is there for all to see, and I have been pretty vocal in this series about the Hindutva politics of Hindu Rashtra which is against the Constitution of India. Everyone has to evolve with the changing times and accept that the past cannot be rewritten. Any attempt to saddle-up or ring-fence the millennial generation would cause the dam to burst beyond repair! Kanhaiya Kumar, a former president of JNU Students’ Union speaks the voice of the millennium when he said, “I am a millennial boy. I will decide my morality and ethics. The definition of my body and my rights is decided by me… we will talk about our fundamental rights.”