LinkedIn is your gateway to the world of professional social networking. With LinkedIn, you can easily increase your brand awareness, boost your company sales, or take your career to the next level. This book will show you how.
Full of strategic ways to put this powerful professional tool to work for you, this Complete Idiot's Guide makes building your business, your brand, or your career with LinkedIn easy and enjoyable and it works! In it, you get:
- Build lasting business relationships!
- Easy ideas for setting up an eye-catching profile or Company Page.
- Tips for establishing a LinkedIn pres-ence and attracting a following using LinkedIn's groups, recommendations, and more.
- Pointers on promoting your business, your brand, or yourself, avoiding mis-takes new LinkedIn users often make.
- Suggestions for expanding your marketing reach by using LinkedIn ads, features, apps, and more.
- Guidance on using LinkedIn to find tal-ented new employees for your company or map out your own next career move.
- Advice on evaluating your LinkedIn strategy and upgrading your account