Key Features Comprehensive step-by-step guidance for aspirants Hints to difficult practice questions Plenty of solved for practice Questions from various exams in respective chapters About the Book: Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations provides a comprehensive and step-by-step guidance to aspirants to effectively tackle the quantitative and numerical ability portion of various examinations like PO, SSC, LIC, NDA, CDS etc. This revised edition has been upgraded with 22 original test papers of the examinations mentioned above. Comprising 25 chapters, each chapter has around 30-40 questions of every conceivable type under the solved examples and unsolved exercises. Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition Preface to the First Edition Acknowledgments 1. Number System and Number Series 2. HCF and LCM of Numbers 3. Fraction 4. Simplification and Approximation 5. Percentage 6. Average 7. Ratio and Proportion 8. Partnership and Share 9. Mixtures 10. Chain Rule 11. Time, Work and Wages 12. Pipes and Cisterns 13. Profit, Loss and Discount 14. Simple Interest 15. Compound Interest, Growth and Depreciation 16. Shares and Debentures 17. Time and Distance 18. Trains 19. Boats and Streams 20. Races 21. Clocks 22. Area of Plane Figures 23. Volume and Surface Area of Solid Figures 24. Data Interpretation 25. Data Sufficiency 26. Elementary Algebra 27. Linear Equations ? Their Applications and Problems Based on Age 28. Quadratic Equations and Inequation 29. Permutation and Combination 30. Probability Question Bank Model Test Papers Questions Papers with Answers