A Good Beginning of New Session 2022 - 2023 with Economics Chapterwise & Categorywise Most Likely Question Bank Series for Class 12 ISC Board Exam 2023. Subject Wise book dedicated to prepare and practice effectively each subject at a time. Economics Handbook includes Demand and law of demand, Theory of Consumer behaviour, Elasticity of Demand, Theory of Supply, Market Mechanism, Cost and Revenue, Money and Banking etc. Our handbook will help you study and practice well at home.
How can you benefit from Oswal -Gurukul Most Likely ISC Economics Question Bank for 12th Class?
Our handbook is strictly based on the latest syllabus prescribed by the council and is a one stop solution for smart study for ISC 2023 Examinations.
• Includes MCQs, Case based, Assertion & Reasoning based Questions, VSA, SA,LA
• Frequently asked Previous Years Board Question Papers Incorporated
• Insightful Answering Tips & Suggestions for Students
Our question bank also consists of numerous tips and tools to improve study techniques for any exam paper. Students can create vision boards to establish study schedules, and maintain study logs to measure their progress. With the help of our handbook, students can also identify patterns in question types and structures, allowing them to cultivate more efficient answering methods. Our book can also help in providing a comprehensive overview of important topics in each subject, making it easier for students to solve for the exams.