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Operations Management (12th Edition)

Operations Management (12th Edition)

Condition: Used - Very Good

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  • Condition Note (Used - Very Good): no pen/pencil marks

  • Condition Note (Used - Good): no pen/pencil marks (except previous owner's details)

About the Book:


The Twelfth Edition of Operations Management features the latest concepts and applications while not losing focus on the core concepts that has made this text a market leader. This text supports students in applying concepts and methods by providing guided examples, solved problems, questions, practice problems and cases.
Salient Features:
Col or edition – Makes reading experience more enticing than ever
Learn By Doing – Based on Stevenson's philosophy that students learn best by practice, numerous examples, solved problems, questions, problems and cases are found throughout the book.
Balanced Coverage – Balanced coverage can be seen in the quantitative and qualitative topics covered throughout the text; as well as the examples from manufacturing and services; and the balance of strategic competitive issues as well as tactical and analytic control issues. As a result, students understand that managers use a combination of quantitative tools and qualitative approaches in order to make decisions.
Flexible Coverage – The text organization and approach allows instructors to be flexible in their approach, picking and choosing chapters or portions of chapters that best suit the topics they would like to emphasize.
Examples with Solutions: Throughout the text, wherever a quantitative or analytic technique is introduced, an example is included to illustrate the application of that technique. These are designed to be easy to follow.
Solved Problems: At the end of chapters and chapter supplements, “solved problems” are provided to illustrate problem solving and the core concepts in the chapter. These have been carefully prepared to help students understand the steps involved in solving different types of problems. The Excel logo indicates that a spreadsheet is available on the text’s Web site, to help solve the problem.
Excel Spreadsheet Solutions: Where applicable, the examples and solved problems include screenshots of a spreadsheet solution. Many of these were taken from the Excel templates, which are on the text’s website.

  • Author: William J Stevenson
  • Publisher: McGrawHill (2015)
  • Language: English
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789353163419

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