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Linear Integrated Circuits (Fourth Multi Colour Edition)
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About the Book:
This new edition in multi-colour has been brought out after going through the previous edition with utmost care, and then introducing the necessary corrections and other deficiencies detected. The book is designed primarily for courses in operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits for Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Computer Engineering and Applied Sciences students. The text has been written in a style to enable students to self study. Examples are provided throughout the book to help the students assimilate the material covered. The text is so designed that the teacher may hardly need to consult reference books. It offers fabrication technology for IC's, wide array of op-amp 741 applications, 555 timer, 565 PLL, linear voltage regulator IC's, 78/79XX, 723, AD/DA converters, active filters using 741, switched capacitor filters and OTAs in a comprehensive manner.
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