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Let's Play

Let's Play

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  • Condition Note: no pen/pencil marks (except previous owner's details)


About the Book:

"Life isn't black and white nor it is linear in nature . Hence expecting your life to unfold step by step as a mathematical equation is far fetched. Our every action sets into motion a cascading set of events in a infinite series and we continuously keep making sense of things around us as if it’s a puzzle which is scrambled and we need to unscramble it. There is no format to life nor any linearity if you find any then don’t get fooled by it because it’s a construct of your mind We are in a quest to crack life and control it but its beyond all quests In this book I have put some of my explorations of life and its intricacies , hope they will serve you as an perspective to build your perceptions and instead of being anxious,tensed , stressed through out the journey after reading this book the journey of unscrambling life becomes joyous , full of admiration for the magnanimity of life and full of excitement. It’s a play where we keep on scrambling and unscrambling our understanding of life . while playing the most important thing is fun and then comes winning . One can win only when one understands how to play and till the time we don’t win keep restarting the play from wherever we want. Lets learn to just play …… "


  • Author: Avinash Choudhari
  • Publisher: BluRose
  • Language: English
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789393385109

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