Book Summary of Industrial Marketing: Analysis, Planning, And Control, 2nd Ed. , Reeder, Et Al. This student-oriented and easy-to-read popular textbook on Industrial Marketing blends theory and practice. All concepts are introduced and carried through and reinforced in later chapte Table of Contents Preface. About the Authors. PART I: DIMENSIONS OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING_The Nature of Industrial Marketing. Understanding Industrial Markets. The Industrial Marketing Environment. PART II: ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING AND BUYER BEHAVIOR_The Nature of Industrial Buying. The Interpersonal Dynamics of Industrial Buying Behavior. PART III: STRATEGY FORMULATION IN THE INDUSTRIAL MARKET_The Strategic Planning Process in Industrial Marketing. Assessing Market Opportunities. Industrial Market Segmentation, Target Marketing, and Positioning. PART IV: FORMULATING PRODUCT PLANNING_Developing Product Strategy. Strategic Innovation and New Product Development. PART V: FORMULATING CHANNEL STRATEGY_Marketing Channel Participants. Marketing Logistics: Physical Distribution and Customer Service. PART VI: FORMULATING MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLANNING_Developing the Industrial Sales Force. Planning, Organizing, and Controlling the Selling Function. Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Publicity Strategy. PART VII: FORMULATING PRICING POLICIES_Price Determinants: Customers, Competition, and Costs. Pricing Decision Analysis. PART VIII: INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL MARKETING_Industrial Marketing in the International Environment. Cases. Index.