TODAY'S HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY is an exciting-and highly competitive-career field. Hotel and restaurant careers offer tremendous potential for personal and professional growth and success, but, as with any other profession, achieving suc-tess depends on learning and applying certain principles inherent to the field. In today's hospitality industry, it is essential to have an understanding of marketing
and sales.
Many textbooks, including this one, explain the theory behind successful hospitality marketing. While theory is important, it is even more important to understand how marketing theory is actually applied in the marketplace. Theory can explain, for example, why consumers purchase, but the reasons consumers spend are just facts until an industry professional uses them to develop an effec-tive marketing strategy that will contribute to the bottom line. The fifth edition of Hospitality Sales and Marketing has been thoroughly researched and written to provide a readable and practical approach for effectively marketing hotels and restaurants. While the text explains a number of theories and concepts, it goes a step further-showing how those theories and concepts are actually applied. The illustrations and exhibits in this book include actual industry examples (forms, checklists, charts, advertising, and so on) that are used by today's industry lead-ers to effectively market their hospitality firms. Every hospitality marketing and sales professional, whether embarking on a new career or already a seasoned pro, plays a crucial role in promoting his or her lodging property or restaurant. The knowledge and application of the marketing, sales, and advertising fundamentals presented in this text will not only benefit the reader professionally, but, if dili-gently applied by hospitality marketing and sales personnel, should boost profits
as well.
Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Fifth Edition, offers a number of new and expanded features. Each chapter opens with a tip or insight from a marketing and sales practitioner. Each chapter has updated illustrations and exhibits that are captioned to reinforce the chapter material. New "Marketing in Action" sidebars have been added to show how concepts presented in the text are being applied by today's industry leaders (several of whom are profiled in new "Industry Inno-vators" sidebars). Other new material includes Internet exercises, discussions on the use of technology for successful hospitality marketing and sales efforts, and "Going Green" sidebars that offer tips and other information on the conservation practices of hotels and restaurants that enable these companies to help the environ-ment, save money, and attract guests who care about "green" issues. Each chapter ends with a chapter summary, key terms, review questions, and an expanded list of Internet sites for additional information. Some chapters also include appen-dixes and/or case studies.