Enterprise Resource Planning is designed to serve as a textbook for a course in enterprise resource planning (ERP). It will prove useful to MBA students as well as professionals involved in ERP implementation. With its lucid coverage of the software and process aspects of ERP, this book will also be useful to both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Information Technology. Beginning with the evolution of ERP, the book goes on to explain comprehensively the implementation of ERP and the challenges faced therein. It discusses the role of extended ERP applications and post-implementation issues. The last two chapters of the book focus on the concept of Go live with ERP and the implications of implementing ERP for the various processes and departments within an organization. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, the book contains many real-life examples, from a variety of industries and applications, to illustrate key points. The text is supplemented by pedagogical features such as illustrations, boxed material (highlighting important software, computer languages and definitions), real-life cases and a large database of exercises. Lucid explanation of concepts and a simplistic approach to problem solving make for a complete textbook.