- Condition Note: no pen/pencil marks
About the Book:
We have great pleasure in presenting the 12th Revised and Enlarged Edition of the book entitled " Elements of Industrial Law" to our esteemed readers.The book is divided into Eight Parts and the Chapters have been grouped under different parts. The salient features of the present edition are as follows: 1.Chapters under 'Compliances ' Part Eight have been updated upto 2019 e.g., (i) ESI (ii) EPFO, (iii) Gratuity Act and (iv) Industrial Disputes Act. 2. To improve the grasp and understanding of the subject-matter, more question like objective type [(11) - Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, True and False]; Test Question (179) and Practical Problem [(15) with Hints and Solutions] have been updated. 3. Presentation of Examples (15), Cases (159), etc., have been highlighted in indention to make it more reader friendly. 4. New Typography of the book makes the book strain-free and reader friendly. 5. University Question Papers have been added at the end of the book to give an idea about the pattern of question asked.
- Author: N.D. Kapoor
- Publisher: Sultan Chand (2020)
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9789351611622