Easy Spanish Exercises is an ideal way to practice your reading and writing skills while you perfect your Spanish. Whether you're a student who wants extra practice or someone who studied Spanish years ago and wants to brush up on rusty skills, this book will prove a valuable aid. The topics that are developed throughout the book's fifteen units-from introducing yourself, describing your family, and asking for directions, to ordering meals, shopping, and talking about your likes and dislikes are those that are vital to sound and practical communication.
Instructions for the exercises are simple and are written in English. The variety of exercises-based on the highly successful Just Listen 'n Learn method-will hold your attention. You will be asked to complete forms and questionnaires, do crossword puzzles and word searches, reorder a sequence of events, find the word or phrase that doesn't belong, and answer questions by matching phrases, filling in blanks, or writing complete responses. Humorous illustrations and authentic, everyday Spanish-lan-guage documents round out the text and make it even more appealing. Complete answers appear after each unit, so you will be able to check the progress you are making.
Easy Spanish Exercises will help you review, practice, and develop your language skills so you can put your Spanish to use when abroad or dealing with Spanish-speakers everywhere!