Substantially revised and updated, the sixth edition of the Watson & Hill Dictionary is a key resource for students of all aspects of communication. It provides an aid to the study of interpersonal communication, the theory of communication, media history and technological development, balancing the specifics of, for example, legislation affecting media performance with the major themes central to most programmes of study - audience, cultural interaction through media, globalization and issues surrounding the impact of technology on society and the nature of ownership and control.
In response to the requirements of exam boards, this new edition introduces a series of Topic Guides to assist research for essays and other assignments. A glance at the Topic
Guide on Interpersonal Communication, Media Issues & Debates or Research
Methods will furnish a comprehensive and interlinking prospectus on themes and subjects, to be followed up, as appropriate, in the alphabetic listing of entries.
The Dictionary of Media & Communication Studies is also accessible to the general reader interested in keeping up with media events and curious to explore some of the subject's fascinating terrain. Further, it will remind readers of the importance, in the modern world, of an awareness of communication, be it concerning self-image, self-presentation or the power of media to influence us. In a media saturated world, this text invites citizens to exercise their right to understand and really penetrate the communications network that influences our daily lives.