The book will help The students to understand and various equipment various equipment used in different types of construction works and aspects related to The management of Theses construction equipment. The book will meet The requirement of construction engineers to become thoroughly familiar with The working, application, upkeep and optimizing The production of The wide range of modern construction equipment. Table of content part- I-equipment Management1. Equipment management in construction projects2. Maintenance management3. Economics of construction equipment4. Safety management in construction part -ii-earthwork Equipment5. Earth-moving equipment6. Excavators7. Compaction equipment8. Finishing/grading equipment9. hauling equipment part -iii-concrete and asphalt Plants10. Aggregate Production11. Concentrating equipment12. Asphalt mixing and laying equipment part – iv-other construction equipment13. Shovel cable operated equipment14. Drilling and blasting equipment15. Tunneling equipment16. Pumping and dewatering equipment17. Pile driving equipment Part -v-materials handling equipment18. Introduction to materials handling19. Hoisting equipment20. Transportation equipment for materials handling21. Conveying equipment.