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103 Everyday Inventions Discoveries Creations And Stuff

103 Everyday Inventions Discoveries Creations And Stuff

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About the Book: 

The 103 series brings you concepts, discoveries, paradoxes, journeys, mysteries and stuff from fields ad diverse as science, travel, sports and history. Including the profound and the playful, the books take a look at subjects with a fresh and sometimes, whimsical eye. The lucid language makes complex ideas accessible, so that you will want to read the books from cover to cover and also dip into them for years to come. Why 103? Because it's substantial and interestingly random just like these books! A Children's Bookshelf Each month our editor's pick the best books for children and young adults by age to be a part of the children's bookshelf. These are editorial recommendations made by our team of experts. Our monthly reading list includes a mix of bestsellers and top new releases and evergreen books that will help enhance a child's reading life.
  • Author: Mandal Soumyajit
  • Publisher: Scholastic 
  • Language: English
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789351030140

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